Theoretically outdoor temperature dictates indoor temperature. But there is probably a delay. A building should be able to keep its indoor temperature for some time, if insulated at all. Can we see what delay it is?
The delay is probably not constant, as it is also influenced by wind (windchill effect), changes in athmospheric pressure (air tries to move either in or out) and intensity of sunlight (sun shining through window influences room temperature).… Read the rest
How cold it gets under the ground, when ground source heatpump sucks out all the heat? Will the ground freeze?
Probably the answer is ‘depends’. I have heard anectotal evidence from ground source heatpump installers, that they had to dig out too short pipes from underground, during summer, where it was just a big frozen lump.… Read the rest
Actually not really an adventure, but I did get a ground source heatpump this spring.
While looking for it, I came up with many questions I could not really answer, or did get different answers from different sources. As time goes on, I start to forget about them, so it is about time to write them down and see, if I can get answers for those from experience.… Read the rest
Lets have a practical scenario. A disk box, with iSCSI LUN, which is used by a linux box.
LUN fills up, and is resized on that disk box.
On linux side, lets rescan session, to get updated target size visible:
iscsiadm -m session -R
Lets assume, the partition is plain ext4 and available as /dev/sde1
parted /dev/sde
Parted should detect disk size update and notify about it
Warning: Not all of the space available to /dev/sde appears to be used, you can fix the GPT to use all of the space
(an extra 2147483648 blocks) or continue with the current setting?
… Read the rest
I was pleasantly surprised when I did find out, that had added a VPN client in their DSM 4 release. This VPN client supports either PPTP or openvpn. Openvpn support is what I am interested in. Unfortunately openvpn wizard in DSM assumes that username authentication is used.… Read the rest
I have accustomed in using <code></code> tags in my posts so that many posts have those tags.
Unfortunately , my WordPress theme in its default settings does not really distinguish code in <code></code> tags enough to be easily distinguishable from the rest of the text.… Read the rest
Saabiklubi talvekokkutulek 2012 toimus Veldemani Puhkemajas. Sealsamas lähedal sai peetud ka jäärajasõit.
Mõnus koht, jäärada oli ka väga tasemel.
Toimus Olustvere mõisas. Söök ja koht vägagi tasemel. Paar pilti ka.
Sometimes for whatever reason You need to upgrade an old or really old Gentoo installation. Reinstall just is not an option. Upgrading old Gentoo installations is not really a plain sailing. All sorts of circular dependencies come up. For example portage is, bash is 3.2_p39 and python is 2.5.4.… Read the rest